Mom of Teenagers Hauled off to Jail in a Homicidal rage...

4:27 PM Posted by Leslie Townsend-Artisan Soapmaker Extroidinaire

Hoping she could get some peace and quiet in jail! That's what tomorrow's Newspaper headline is going to read if my kids do not stop poking at each other, tattling, yelling at each other to shut up, and telling each other "Leave me alone!"
If I hear my 14 year old son say one more time today, "I wasn't doing anything, Mara is just screaming for no reason!" I'm going to start sending away for brochures to Military schools!

We are going to the book store at the Mall because Mara has Birthday money and books are the only thing she really covets, and I have a $10 gift card for Bath and Body Works, and I am GOING IN THAT STORE ALONE!!! I'll pretend it's a vacation! In case you haven't figured it out yet, I hate summer vacation and I can't wait for school to start! Then at least I would not have Sam screaming like a Nazgul everytime someone says no to him for hours on end, and Mara and Joseph will be too busy doing school work to be bored so they have to poke each other constantly-ACK!
Leslie The Psycho Mom


  1. Jamie said...

    ROFL. Please tell me it's just YOUR KIDS and all kids aren't like this when they are teenagers. Not that this makes YOU feel any better, but it would certainly make the outcome of MY kids seem better! (I hope)

  2. Leslie Townsend-Artisan Soapmaker Extroidinaire said...

    From what I can tell it is all teenagers...the ones that aren;t like that are the EXCEPTION, not the rule!

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