5 Big Fat Six Pack Abs Lies

1:22 PM Posted by Jamie

If you want to get a flatter stomach or rock hard 6 pack abs, you need to do much more than just crunches and sit-ups. Here are 5 big fat lies about abs and fat loss that may be holding your back from getting the 6 pack abs and flat tummy you deserve.

Big Fat Lie #1: You can crunch away the fat on your abs

It doesn't matter if you do a million crunches a day, it is impossible to "spot-reduce" abdominal fat. Like the old saying goes "you cannot out train a bad diet"; abs are made in the kitchen & not the gym. Diet is responsible for 90% of your results! In order to burn the fat that is covering up your abs you need a good diet & a solid strength training program backing it up.

Big Fat Lie #2: You have to do abs every day to get a six pack or a flat stomach.

Abs are just like any other muscle. You wouldn't train legs every day so why would it make sense to train abs every day? Instead of overworking your abs on a daily basis, train them twice per week and throw in some unconventional ab exercises like Mountain Climbers and the Stability Ball Jackknife for an extra edge.

Big Fat Lie #3: If you do a bunch different ab exercises and a ton of reps, feeling "the burn" is all that matters.

Crunches and sit-us are two of the least effective exercises for developing eye popping six pack abs. Not only is doing an exercise where you can bang out hundreds of easy reps useless, but crunches and sit-ups can also cause lower back pain. Be sure to focus on quality reps and not the quantity of reps. Maintain strict form and stick to abdominal exercises where you can only perform sets in the 15-20 rep range.

Big Fat Lie #4: This new fat burner pill will help me lose my abdominal fat.

Your six pack is not locked inside of a miracle potion or marketing pill. In fact, many of these "fat burner" pills can make your abs look worse because they eat up more muscle than fat! Stick to a fat-burning, muscle-building diet all year round and you will see better results than any fat burner pill will ever give you.

Big Fat Lie #5: You can't get a flat stomach or ripped six pack abs because your genetics suck.

You may hear people tell you that you will never lose your belly fat and get a six pack because you just don't have the "right genes." The sad part about this statement is that many TRAINERS will even tell people this nonsense!

If you have a trainer that ever tells you this crap make a run for it! The truth is that even if you have the "worst genes" ever, if you make better food choices and start working out smarter you can pretty much get any type of body you want.

Jamin Thompson is an internationally recognized fat loss expert, fitness model, motivational speaker, and sports performance expert. He is the author of the best selling fitness and diet e-book, The 6 Pack Secret: Fat Burning Secrets of The World's Top Fitness Models which has helped thousands of men and women from all over the world build muscle, lose fat, and remain healthy for life without the use of supplements, fancy machines, or long boring cardio workouts. Learn how to increase your metabolism and get rid of stubborn fat by visiting: http://www.the6packsecret.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamin_Thompson


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